The London Tanner has a wide variety of implements from the not so severe to the down right ouchie versions such as the viper or prison strap. I love to hate them all. Some I love to hate more than others. The prison strap is one of my favorites, although only in the hands of someone who has a very controlled swing. There are two versions of the prison strap, the Arkansas prison strap and the Canadian prison strap. I am partial to the Canadian version. It seems to be heavier and thus stiffer and easier to swing for me when I'm topping. Also as a bottom the Canadian is thuddier, which I am partial too.
We have one of almost every type of strap the the London Tanner makes. I go through cycles as to which one I like the most and which one I hate the most. All of them can get my attention and hold it as well. When I first started playing I was scared of leather, but after experiencing the London Tanner spanking strop, at my first Shadowlane party, I started my collection of leather.
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