Thursday, December 13, 2007

Time Flies

Well it has been over a month since I could post last. I wanted to post after Thanksgiving to write about my lovely Thanksgiving spanking. I felt that one for several days!

Work has been crazy with 12 hour days the norm and 6 day weeks now the norm as well. That means by the time I get home I am exhausted and ready for a soak and sleep.
Spankings were almost non existent for the last month, due to my work schedule, until the last few days when I have gotten a spanking a day.
I made some silly comment about looking forward to the season of giving being over so I could be on the receiving end again. So in the past three days I have gotten the hand, wooden paddle ( a variety, including the evil Nu West hairbrush), leather paddle, cane and various straps. Wow spanking sting a lot more when you haven't been spanked in a while!

Getting spankings definitely lowers my stress level and helps me sleep better! I'm looking forward to a Christmas spanking!

I will try and post more once the New year hits and work slows down again. Until then I hope everyone gets to have the spankings they wish for and are able to give the spanking they hope to. great site for spanking information.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Spanking Dreams

When the spankings are not happening in the real plane, they tend to start occurring with more frequency in my dreams.

Yesterday there was an incident with a single tail, a flogger and of course the dreaded ( and loved) hairbrush. Although I have never had a single tail used on me it was interesting in my dream. It puts the spanker at a further distance and since it was a dream I could watch it being used. The slight red marks showing up shortly after impact. It might be interesting to actually have one used. It would just have to be someone who was very good with one, since it is such a long implement with lots of room for error.

The thing about dreams is sometimes I get to watch my own reactions and the reactions of the spanker.

As much as dreams of spanking are nice the real thing is better! Soon the real ones will be visiting my bottom again and I will be happy with a rosy bottom.

On Hold

Well this month has been a sadly spank free month so far. The 30 implements are still sitting waiting to be used. I got a bad cold and he hurt his shoulder. Of course it was on his spanking arm.... *sigh*

The bright spot therein is that I know the time will come when they will be used and I can fantasize about the coming spankings :)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Spankees Advent Calendar

For the spankee in your life a special advent calendar is the ticket to some holiday fun. Instead of chocolate or a picture behind each window put an implement or other item for spanking pleasure. There are spanking dice or cards or special aftercare items. Since the windows can be small a picture or description can be placed behind each window. Cloth ones can be continually reused and for that matter could be used for any month :)

You could even have a good spankee calendar and a naughty spankee calendar, depending on their behavior. The naughty one has all the implements, punishments. The good spankee calendar would have the implements the spankee likes and other special treats like bottom rubs.

Strange ideas when I need a spanking

As we were driving home from seeing my nephew and his kids (it's a bit over nine hours) I was thinking about spankings. Not that spankings are ever far from my mind, but that is another story. I got to thinking that we have a ton of implements and we only use five or ten of them. So I said that we should try using a different implement every day for the month.

So today at lunch I got told to pick thirty implements and set them out in the playroom. I figured if I picked all the fluffy wimpy ones I'd get in trouble, so there are a mix of nice ones and nasty ones. Some I like and some I don't like so much, but it was my idea and so now I get to deal with the consequences 8) . Since we are already five days into the month I guess that means that we will be playing catch up at some point. I hope it isn't tonight, because I am way behind on my spankings, meaning I am very very tender!
It will be a very interesting month I have a feeling. My bottom should be nice and warm all month long! The picture is the implements for the month, that I set out.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Over Due

When is a spanking over due. For me it doesn't take long, but two weeks is way over due for me. I get cravings before then, but the situation with work and family got in the way of regular spankings so Monday my over due spanking manifested itself.

It had been almost a 1300 mile drive in two days (he did almost all the driving) bringing my mother back home. I made the mistake of packing the bath brush, hairbrush paddle and the blue original stinger ( yes, my memory does tend to be short ). I didn't get my spanking in the hotel, but I did when we got home.

When he said I was going to be getting a spanking, I started to try to get out of it..."if you too tired"...that didn't go over well, and I was informed if I wanted to continue trying to get out of it, then it would only get worse. I of course did try for a bit more, to no avail! So the spanking ended up being a harder one, because I tried to get out of it, after having "asked for it". By the time the spanking was done I had a nicely tanned bottom.
Going to bed with a warm red bottom and a smile on my face is always a great way to end the day!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Hairbrush again...

You would think I would remember that this one hurts..a lot. Nope I still ask for it when my memory fades. That and the hairbrush paddle from Adam & Gillian's. I still love them both, but that during part sure hurts.

I had been working a lot of hours and hadn't had much time at home. In fact one night I didn't make it home at all, but that is another story. Of course with little sleep and being around people who were sick I got a cold or the flu or something. That further kept spankings at bay. Until I finally just said I needed one. He asked if I was sure I wasn't too sick for one, and silly me I said no I'm not to sick.
So he told me to pick out something. I brought a couple things and got a very warm bottom. He asked if I was ready to be good, but of course not. Does anyone else ever have those days where the mouth and head can get their bottoms in a great deal of trouble?

So then it was the hairbrush, after which I was ready to be very good. As well as having a very good nights sleep with a very warm bottom.
Well at least good until the next morning :)


I got to attend two parties amongst the chaos that has been going on. One was the Shadowlane party in Vegas and one was a private party in Colorado. I learned that I love floggings. I got two at the Shadowlane party and one at the party in Colorado.

I have been flogged before, but it was different now. It is a very interesting feeling to have your body almost totally relaxed to the point of sleep and my mind totally focused. It is a totally different head space than anything I have experienced before. Move over hairbrush, I think I have found a new favorite implement. Well unless I am in the mood for that severe punishment feeling in a spanking!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Latest Spanking

It has been a few weeks of Vanilla company and crazy work hours, but I finally got a spanking. The one thing about having a week or two between spankings is that I get more tender. Those implements that were only slightly evil now become very painful. I had been asking for the spanking for awhile, but with company and work it didn't happen until Sunday. I was taken down to the spanking room and told to take down my pants and get over his knee.

He was in a hospitable mood and so he worked up to the evil paddle. I got the hand, leather paddle, blue meanie, and then the wooden paddle. I only got ten, but with the wooden paddle, but boy did those ten get my attention. I didn't so much like it during the spanking, but I sure loved the before and after! Yes there is part of me that liked the during part too, in a very detached way. That part of me that is saying " Wow I'm really getting spanked and it really hurts, what was I thinking" It always seems to hurt more than I ever remember, when it's going on.

Cures for Cravings

Well I will have to say their are several cures for cravings. One is sheer exhaustion. So if you can't get you fix because of work or vanilla company, make sure that you totally run yourself ragged. It doesn't totally eliminate the cravings, but it does tone them down, until you can get in a spanking or two!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Have You Learned Your Lesson?

Have you learned your lesson, is such a loaded question in a play session. When asked a lot of things run through my mind. Yes, I have that hurts... I have sort of learned my lesson.....No, I haven't, now that you are asking me and not spanking me it doesn't hurt 8) It all depends on which part of me has control of my tongue, at that precise moment. I want the spanking to stop, but I don't, aarrgh so many choices in that spanking moment. Sometimes I am not sure which will win out. That spanking addict part of me never wants the spanking to stop, but that red fiery bottom says are you nuts. Oh well what can I say, this is the dilemma of a spanko, to continue on with a warming of the bottom or take the respite of some lotion and cuddling. I always know if I say no I haven't learned my lesson or some other remark that is on the bratty or sassy side I'll get a nastier implement applied to my already tender bottom. But oh, sometimes the fire on my bottom is well worth it, for the wonderful feeling after the spanking is done. That feeling of freedom and peace.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hard Wired for Spanking

Have you thought about spanking as long as you can remember? Have you fantasized about spanking? Have you searched for spanking on the web and in book stores? Have you walked through the kitchen isle and tried wooden spoons out on your hands to see what they might feel like? Then you are probably hard wired.

Spanking has become more mainstream in the last few years. If you search for spanking on Google or yahoo or many of the other search engines you get thousands of hits or more. You can buy spanking books in mainstream bookstores and on mainstream Internet sites like Amazon.

As spanking of children becomes a thing that is frowned upon, spanking for erotic purposes and enjoyment in adult circles, has become more accepted. Also domestic discipline relationships for adults are becoming more widely accepted as well.

If you enjoy being spanked or spanking someone for fun, getting what you need or giving what the other person needs then you are probably a spanko. There are many safe places to find out if spanking is for you, depending on where you live. One I enjoy that is very supportive is Shadowlane. They have both a website and host a party once or twice a year. People from all over the country come to these parties as well as some from outside the country. You can play or just observe the goings on. For a first time party goer that can be a jaw dropping experience seeing that many spankos in one place.

I have been in totally vanilla relationships before and have found them lacking for me. I need spanking as part of my life. If you are hard wired, it is very hard to do without spanking in your life. It is an emotionally stabilizing force for me and whether soft or hard it touches a deep part of my being!

Monday, July 9, 2007

The True Spanking Wine

For all of you that have never heard of the Kröver Nacktarsch this is a true spanking wine. Not for the wine itself, but for the wine labels. Every label has a picture of a spanking on the label. Each year is different. The wine itself is inexpensive and probably would not be found in fine wine cellars, but I am very fond of the labels and the wine is on the sweet side more to my liking than the dry vintages. The name itself means naked bottom and Kröver is the vineyard.

Here is a link to a collection of some of the past labels
Kröver Nacktarsch Labels

I have only found one place in the US so far that imports it, Weinmax.

If you email he will email you back with prices and shipping costs. I was very happy with their service.

I never condone spanking and drinking. I just like the labels!

Askings the Hardest Part

A wonderful image from the secretary movie.

Since I am not in a discipline type relationship and am just a spankoholic I like to have my spankings often. So I can outright ask, which takes away some of the fun of course. There are many other ways to ask for a spanking and have it more when I don't expect it. There is the bad report card left on his desk, or a note from the teacher. The school girl outfit usually does the trick too. I like that feeling of not knowing when it's coming though.

That is not to say that I don't get those unexpected spankings. I get those too. Those are some of my favorites. I still have a craving for one of those outdoor woodshed spankings though. Unfortunately most of the trails around us are pretty well traveled and not all people are spankos *sigh*. I'm sure my time will come though and I'm looking forward to it!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Playing Spanking War

So I got to play spanking war and it was a lot of fun. Being in a relationship with a switch we played with one implement and the loser got the spanking! I did really well. I think we played 12 or 14 hands. We had 2 ties ( no spankings *sniff*), I lost 3 and he lost the rest *evil grin*. The most swats was 24 and the least, besides 0, was 4. I got 4, 6 and 8. He got the larger numbers. He made those really count though. I made mine count too with nice hard whacks!

We had a lot of fun and will probably play again. It makes it more exciting as a switch, because you never know who is going to get the swats!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Spanking War

Most people know the card game war. I just had to add spanking to it. This is great for two people or you can play it with more. If you have two people who are switches, you choose one implement. The loser gets spanked with it. If it is a top (spanker) and bottom (spankee) playing it would be two implements. One would be the bottoms choice, the other would be the tops choice.

To play the game the deck is dealt out face down until each player has 26 cards. The just like the original game each player turns up one card at a time. The lower card loses and the winner takes both cards. In the case of identical cards. there is a war. The war is played with each player placing two cards from their decks face down and turning a third card face up. the higher card wins and gets the cards. This continues until each player has gone through their 26 cards. The winner is the player who has captured the most cards.

The spanking is then given by the winner (if it is two switches playing) with the chosen implement. The number of swats is the difference between the number of cards the winner has and the number of cards the loser has. For a spanker and a spankee the implement used is the choice of the winner.

A variation would be to do it with each turn, though that would be a lot of spankings 8)

With more than two players, you could make teams or everyone for themselves. The winner gets to spank the others, the number of swats being the difference between their total and the one being spanked and so on down the line. If a spanker is the loser, they must have a designated spankee to take their swats.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Melt the Spoon get Spanked by a Spoon

Ah yesterday, I wasn't paying a lot of attention, due to being engrossed in my new book. I do love reading Mercedes Lackey. At any rate I decided to make some tea and turned on the wrong burner. Hmm there was a plastic cooking spoon sitting on that burner. Since I have allergies, I didn't smell the burning plastic and when he walked in the room the kitchen was starting to fill with nice smoke from the melting plastic. About that time the fire detector started screeching. What a mess. To say the least, we spent about a half an hour with all the windows and doors open and I scraped off all the plastic from the burner, (at least it was a glass top so I could scrape it off!) so it would quit smoking and not harden on it.

So when he came home I heard melt the spoon get spanked by the spoon and off he took me to the spanking room for a meeting with the wooden spoon. Being a cooking spoon it is rather light weight wood so it is incredibly stingy and makes an impression very quickly. It was hardly a lasting impression so that had to be remedied before bed with the evil Nu West hairbrush.
The spanking wasn't for the melting of the spoon, but because I wanted a spanking, and it was a wonderful reason for one. I also love spankings that I don't know they are coming as long as it is someone I have asked to give me spontaneous spankings that is. I so love going to bed with a warm and burning bottom!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


The picture is from COMIXPANK

I haven't been able to write for a bit, since work has been busy. Now I have time and was thinking about cravings and how they affect our daily lives.

Before I started getting my spankings I would read spanking stories almost every day. Not that I don't still read them. I love spanking stories. Not the prisoner type as much as the naughty daughter, wife or schoolgirl who gets her comeuppance. The kitchen implement isle can be a torment or an exciting excursion. The perspective depends on if you are in need of a spanking or just wondering if any of them would make a nice new implement.

I didn't truly start craving spankings until after I started getting them. Before I started getting adult spankings I knew I wanted to be spanked, but it didn't grab me and shake me like a dog with it's toy. Before I first got spanked, it was more of wondering what it would be like, wondering if what I felt when I saw it or read about it, would be what the actual experience was like. After I got my first spanking, all I knew was that it lived up to my fantasies and was more. It was both physical and emotional, calming and arousing.

When I get spanked often, spanking doesn't invade my work or daily life as much. If for some reason I can't be spanked for awhile it starts to creep into my thoughts more and more. It is a little gnawing in the pit of my stomach and a tingling.

Do any of you get that feeling as well? Some of the time I think it might be nice to have one of the contraptions pictured above on hand for emergencies, then again it just wouldn't be the same as OTK!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Couple of Great Artists

This is a great drawing by Patty. She has several great blogs on which she shares her gift for art and verse and her spanking experiences.

This very realistic drawing by Brian Tarsis. He is an avid spanko and has done many drawings for Shadowlane as well. His art is very realistic and really shows the feelings involved in a spanking and other pursuits.

I love spanking drawings, stories and most anything spanking related.

From Discipline to Playful Spankings for one and all

This is a picture from the cover of the JEST Magaine from 1956

There are as many types of spankings as there are implements. I would say they all fall into one of three groups though.

  • Punishment- Those spankings used as a deterrent in a relationship. The relationship could be that of a husband & wife, Master & slave or disciplinarian and the one being disciplined. In all cases it should be agreed on by both parties. This type of spanking is not pleasant and is done for the punishment of the individual for a transgression. The severity of which is determined by the spanker.
  • Scene- This type of spanking can be either playful or severe. Many of the most popular scenarios are teacher/principle & student, parent & child, master & slave, prisoner & guard, nurse/doctor & uncooperative patient. This type of spanking is scenario set up by the spanker or spankee and may use simple props such as outfit up to entire rooms set up as dungeons or school rooms. This type of spanking may be painful, but is generally enacted for the pleasure of both parties.
  • Play or spontaneous spanking- This type of spanking usually happens without prior planning and is also for the fun or enjoyment of both parties.
I experience spanking for enjoyment and not as a behavior modification. I can see where a spanking could help in behavior modification as it has a very powerful affect both mental and physical on the recipient. However I like to revel in my spankings so I'll stick to the enjoyment types.

I love to make up scenarios. I've made up notes from teachers and principals, complete with schools logos. School uniforms and other clothing specific to a certain scene have been motivators for Internet shopping binges. I even made up a spanking prescription with "anti-copy" background and doctors name etc just like the real ones. Of course everything on it had spanking references including the doctors name and address. Yes I did find a city with a spanko type name. What better than Brush! I also like to make painful toys and a few nice ones with fur on them, although those are more rare. I also made two jars with specific offences based on school or home offences, which can be used to set the tone and dialogue of a spanking.

For me spanking is a very freeing and creative process. It focuses the attention into the moment and holds you spellbound in it's force. Like a tidal wave rolling over you. The sting radiates through your whole body and carries you to places that you can't simply find without that stinging impression to guide you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

School Uniforms and Spanking

This is a picture from seykota.

School uniforms seem to have a big following in the spanking scene. The whole school room spanking gives many of us butterflies. Being that the first spanking I observed in public, was in a private school, it put's me in a good receptive mode for a spanking.

I now have two school uniforms, which I purchased from Lowrys School Uniforms . Their uniforms are very good quality and you have choices in style and color. The uniforms are made to last. The material is of very good quality, much better than can be found in some costume shops. Their service is also very good. They also have a variety of larger sizes which will fit most adults. They have uniforms for both boys and girls.

Some of my fondest spanking scenes have been in my school uniform. My favorite came on a day I was to be in the corner waiting for him when he got home from work. I had watched "The Story of O before he came home, so was in quite a submissive mood. I was in the corner waiting for my spanking when he arrived. There was much lecturing during which I had a quite long and hard spanking, with several implements.My bottom was very red and sore and my legs were like jelly by the time the spanking was over.

I was very calm and content and slept well that night. I had a sore bottom for several days, which always brought a smile to my face because it reminded me of my very wonderful spanking!

I do very much enjoy the more severe spanking, but only with people I know very well.

A Very Red Bottom Indeed

It was Sunday evening and I was in need of a spanking. I was also in a mood as well..not a good combination for sitting down the next day. It started out nicely enough. He pulled out the spanking chair and set it against the wall. I was then told to get over his knee. He was in a nice and generous mood and asked me if I deserved a warm-up first. I said no, which was a big mistake. I figured I would get the leather paddle first then. No I got the hairbrush on my bare bottom instead. That was very stingy and brought lots of protests from me. After that he asked again about a warm up, which at that point I thought would be a very good idea!
Then I got his wonderful hand for a bit ( that is heaven ). After that I got a short leather strap and leather hairbrush paddle , I was still stubborn and mouthy so the hairbrush came again. He asked if I was ready to behave, but of course my brattiness came out with a vengeance and I said no.
I was then ordered onto the wedge ( an angled pad that keeps my bottom in perfect position for being blistered ) on the bed. I then got the medium strap, the evil blue poly strap and the bath brush. Since I was being especially bratty, I also got his hand on my thighs (which isn't so nice, but gets a spankee's attention very quickly, when they are especially bratty). By this point I decided I would be good. My bottom looked as red as the picture above. I went to bed that night very content and with a very sore, tingly bottom!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A couple great drawings

The National Lampoon cover is a great classic.
I love the show kicked off and the arm ready to descend on the defenseless bare bottom.

The Home sweet home one is great because of the severity of his expression and how serious he is about the spanking. As well as her very red bottom. She is obviously paying for her indiscretions.

What do I look for in a spanker?

I love this picture. It gives me butterflies thinking about what a hairbrush feels like on a bared bottom!

I do so like the hairbrush in all it's painful glory. In the hands of a dominant, compassionate male it gives me wonderful butterflies. I did say compassionate, and not gentle. I like the spankings to feel real or I feel cheated somehow. Someone who can tread that line between pleasure and pain is a gift to the hungering bottom!

I look for several things when deciding if someone will spank me. Yes, unless it is a domestic discipline or master/slave relationship, I believe the spanking is the bottoms decision. It is after all a pretty intimate endeavor.

  • Spark- Do I feel a connection to the person in any way?
  • Accuracy- Are they accurate? Do they know how to use the implements they have? Are they comfortable with the implement?
  • Mood- Am I in the mood and do they have the presence I need? Meaning do they put me in the mood for a spanking or make me feel the opposite. I like confidence, but hate arrogance. Unless it is someone I know well, telling me I am going to be spanked, will bring out the Dom in me and you might be getting the spanking instead.
The spanking should be about the person getting the spanking and the spanker should also enjoy the experience. That is what makes a great spanking.

How do I find a person I think I would like to be spanked by?

  • Parties are a great place- watching other public spankings to see how someone spanks and maybe learn some new tricks as a spanker.
  • Word of mouth- Spankees are great for letting you know who is good and who is not. Just take into account what types of spankings they like. A bad reference from some, may be just the type of spanker you are looking for.
  • References from a spanking sites you trust. My favorite spanker, I met through a recommendation from Chastenwood. Also recommendations from friends who know you well, can be very helpful.

Just remember to go with your gut instinct. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Testing out the new brush

I had been asking for a spanking for a few days, but my spanker had hurt his back so it had to wait. Yesterday I got a call when he was getting ready to come home. I was to be in the corner in the spanking room and have the new hairbrush ready and waiting when he got home. Talk about butterflies. I got everything ready and then waited until I heard him come in to hop in the corner. I know that was naughty of me, but I didn't get caught.

He told me to come out of the corner and put my hands on the seat of the chair and arch my back so my bottom was in a good position. He decided to be lenient and give me some with his hand first. After the hand I got several licks with the double strap and then it was the new hair brush. It seemed stingier than the original, which since it is a lighter weight wood it would make sense. Oh and never forget to answer promptly and respectfully when asked a question, or like me you may get a few extra hard swats, to get you back into a respectful mode.

Later before bed I was curious if the old hairbrush was really not as stingy as the new one so I set it out on the bed with the red meanie, not my most brilliant of decisions 8)

So I got the the hand, red meanie and the old hairbrush. Yes it is a little less stingy, but also more penetrating, because it's heavier. I loved the before and after, but during the spanking was major ouch. I can still feel it this morning as I'm writing, especially in that tender sit spot!

Be careful what you ask for. If your lucky, like me, you may just get it!

You Know you are an Spanking Enthusiast When...

When you count swats instead of sheep (yes I do, it shuts anything else out that might keep me from getting to sleep). When there is a room in the house you live in that has coat hooks with straps instead of coats on them. When you look at furniture for their ability to position a bottom, or support a spanker, for spanking then you are a spanko.

I have been in to spanking since the first grade when I saw a 7th grader get paddle in front of a full auditorium full of us at school. I wondered what it would be like to be him, having that paddle come down on my bottom instead. We also played house with my cousins and I was always trying to misbehave, so I could get spanked.

I didn't really fully embrace my fetish until a few years ago. It was like rubbing a magic genies lantern. Before then I was scared that people would think I was strange, or as I had been told in the past by people I was in relationships with, that it was stupid or sick. I met some wonderful people a few years ago and was introduced to a more supportive network than I knew before. I went from mainly being spanked to switching ( both spanking and being spanked ).

I am pretty much middle of the road now. Some people I only spank, some people I am spanked by and others I switch with based on mood at the time of the spanking.

There are many safe places to explore spanking like Shadowlane and Florida Moonshine. A site that has a lot of good spanking related content is Colorado Spankers . There are also other sites dealing with submission, domestic discipline and play or situation spankings.

I don't participate in domestic discipline, but I do get spanked often.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Stress Relief in Wood, Leather and Flesh

For me the best stress relief comes over the knee or over the box ( there will be a picture in the next post). A spanking for me is a way to totally focus and leave any stress behind. The more stressed I am the more severe I like my spankings. For fun, light spankings are fine, but for getting into that calm totally jelly like state a firm whipping or paddling is the only thing that does the trick.

During a hard spanking, especially, the body releases a lot of endorphins which dull pain and relax you. That is where that wonderful floating totally relaxed feeling comes from. Now the heat and tingly, stingy feeling definitely comes from the hand or implement being applied to my defenseless bottom.

The implements that come in to play for the heavier sessions range from hairbrush/bath brush to the cane or prison strap as well as anything in between.
For some of the sessions I like to be restrained using ankle and wrist cuffs. It gives it a more defenseless and helpless note. Other times I like to be told to hold my position and take my "punishment" and if I can't stay in position I get extra swats.
For this type of spanking you really have to trust the person doing the spanking and I only allow people who I know are extremely accurate near me for harder play. For true "punishment" scenarios I have only one person I play with at that level. If I'm going to get bruises, I want them where I want them, and I don't want them there by mistake.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

After Care

Spanking after care is an important part of a spanking. There is the simple lotion for chaffing. For bruising Arnica gel works very well. Some people use tablets, I like the gel. Some others use a combination of the gel and tablets.

If the spankee has been especially naughty during the spanking we keep a small spray bottle with rubbing alcohol in it for the end of the spanking. It is very cooling if the spanking has not caused any tiny abrasions. If there are abrasions it burns. Just use lotion afterwards if using alcohol to avoid drying the skin.

If it is a play spanking, rubbing afterwards is also very much appreciated by many spankees, just check with the spankee first.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Another Great Book

This is another great book for spanking enthusiast. It goes more in depth than does the Compleat Spanker. It is written by Jules Markham. It covers a range of possible positions for the spankee and areas of the spankee's body that may be spanked safely at three levels of intensity. It covers the use of the hand, of simple implements ("fraternity" paddles being one of them). It describes many ways in which two people can set up scenarios that lead to spanking and it concludes with a description of spanking-related games that may be played amongst a group of people as well. It even has a domestic discipline contract if you want to take it more involved level.

This book is also available from Amazon.

For the new spanker/spankee

This is a wonderful book for those exploring the spanking fetish and for explaining to your significant other about the fetish if they don't understand. It has chapters like "Why Do We Like Spanking?; Anatomy of a Spankee; Warm up; Implements; Positions; and Tips, Tricks & Fun Things to Try". You can purchase this book at

It is much easier for a vanilla ( someone who isn't into spanking ) to accommodate a spankee than to become a spankee. For a spankee ( one who likes getting spankings) it fills a void and/or is an enjoyable (though sometimes painful) experience.

There are as many types of spankings as there are people into spankings. The spankings range from playful taps to severe punishment styles. Not every type of spanking is right for every individual. Some spankers/spankees will only ever use playful spankings, while others will experience the full gamut.

Luckiest of Spankers

I was very lucky at one of the local parties to have the privilege of spanking the lovely Bailey. She is a very lovely spanking model who you can see more of at Spanking Bailey.

She is very sweet and has a wonderful bottom for spanking. She also has a nack for getting into trouble for which she needs to be spanked.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Leather Paddles for those who can't decide between wood and leather

The paddles in the picture are all leather paddles. The one on the left I made. It is covered on one side with sheep's wool for a gentle spanking. The other side is double thick leather for a wake up smack now and again.

The next paddle is the nanny paddle from the London Tanner. It has a good size for chastising each cheek individually. The last two are hairbrush paddles from Adam and Gillians . These paddles are leather with lexan in the middle. They have a wonderfully thuddy impact and come in two sizes. They are individually made so the sizes are not always the same for large and small. They are very durable and have a deep impact. The hairbrush paddle was the first implement I had used on me after the hairbrush and it is now one of my favorite implements.

Wood the Bane of the Bottom

The wooden paddle. Like the hairbrush but generally larger. From left to right CU frat paddle, high ouch factor and the spanker needs to stay on target due to it's large size ( meaning..know where the tail bone is).

The next one is similar to a heavy ruler as far as the feel. It is narrower than the other paddles, so there is more room if the spanker errs in placement when using it, although it is more stingy than thuddy. It is both beautiful and easy to use, made by Exotic Paddles .

The third one is a cheese board sold by the Great Alaskan Bowl company and made by Alaskan Birch crafts the surface is smooth as silk. It is a very thick paddle made out of a lighter weight wood so it is thuddy, but easy to use. It is not available on their web site, but can be ordered by phone. They will also personalize it, if you wish.

The Next paddle is the Captains choice with an extra long handle special ordered from Exotic Paddles with a requested wolf graphic on it. This paddle is made of a very dense wood and is both extremely stingy and thuddy at the same time. If the spankees attention is wandering at all, this will bring it back into bright focus as they see stars when it impacts.

The final paddle on the right is a handy paddle that can easily fit in the back pocket for easy access and transport, sold at a Shadowlane Party vendor fair.

My favorite paddle of those shown in the picture is the cheese board. I like thud more and due to it's thickness it has a nice thud and is light enough to be used anytime. The pocket paddle is a good traveling implement because it is easily concealed in a back pocket, unlike some of the larger paddles. It is also small enough for anyone with even a little understanding of spanking to use. They need only understand where the tail bone is and that it isn't about hitting as hard as you can.

Canes the Fiery Pain

The canes pictured are all from Cane 4 Pain. The one on the right is from the Grand Dukes collection. It was nicknamed the thumper by a friend at Florida Moonshine. He introduced it to me at a Shadowlane party. I told him there was no way he was going to use that huge beastly thing on me. As you can see I now have one and share the wonderful sensation with any female who is willing to not be deterred by the site of the thick and heavy rattan. I saw it used at a BDSM event to where blood was flowing. That is not how I like to have it used on me. The thumper is just that. It is used at the end of a spanking, or anytime for that matter, at the bade of the buttocks in a light thumping rhythm. For women it is much like a gentle vibrator, sorry guys it just doesn't work for you.

The second cane is the dancing fairy, nicknamed by the wonderful man who most often spanks me. It is very good at making me dance and has a very beautiful fairy at the top of the handle. The beautiful canes made by Whip Dancer at Canes 4 Pain are beautiful enough to hang above the mantle and be appreciated for their decorative qualities and stingy enough to get the attention of wayward lads and lasses. The last two are basic canes, the blue has a latex dipped handle and the other is just you basic cane.

Canes are very stingy and can and do often leave marks. They look very stiff, but are in fact very pliable. Of all the implements this one is the one needing the most practice and the most care when using. It tends to float from the spot that is the target either moving up or down and the tip will wrap given the chance. It has the whippy qualities of a strap and the biting quality of wood. It will leave mark easily from red lines, raised welts and cuts.

Never try a cane the first time on a person. Always practice with a new cane on a pillow or other inanimate soft object. The reason for this is each cane reacts differently. Some canes are stiffer then others as well as being different lengths.

Canes are a feeling you can learn to like. I prefer thicker canes. The thicker canes have a thuddier feel than the thinner canes which are much stingier. A cane also has an after burn. First you feel the initial burn of the impact and then a wave of burn. If you want to experience it, have someone who is well versed in the use of the can introduce you to this most interesting and quite unusual sensation!

So colorful and yet so painful

The polyurethane straps seen in the picture are from the left the red meanie (named by the spankees who have felt it). The original discipline strap with handle addded. The mini poly-ruler, the poly-ruler and the poly prison strap.

The original blue was sold without the handle in a religious supply store for discipline of children. A local BDSM person decided they were better used on consenting adults and bought them and put handles on for comfort of use. A friend of mine made the original red meanie, which is now used by some of the spanking video companies such as Real Spankings.

I decided to take it one step further and add handles and ouch factor with the ruler and prison straps. These straps have real sting. They have a bite similar to rubber, but do not grab like rubber, so don't have the abrading affect that rubber does. These straps are also easily washed and very durable.
They are not for the faint of heart or light players due to their high ouch factor.

Traditional Implements belt/strap

The belt and the hairbrush are the most traditional implements.

In the picture is the traditional belt across the top. The from left to right are Spanking strop 20x2 & 17x1.5, corporal punishment ruler strap, domestic discipline strap, Glasgow Tawse, the Canadian Prison strap all by the London Tanner and the final one is one I made for fun. It is a very evil five fingered tawse that is fairly heavy.

I dislike the belt because of it's floppy nature. It needs to be swung fairly quickly in order to land flat. It is also longer than other straps, made with spanking in mind, and so has more of a tendency to wrap (when the strap hits around the side of the hip). This can be avoided by wrapping an end around the spanker's hand or folding the belt to make it shorter, which also makes it denser.

My favorite strap in the spanking strop on the left side. It was the first strap I was spanked with. It is heavy enough to sting and short enough to make it easy for most people to use without wrapping.

The ruler strap is an evil invention, translation extremely stingy like a cane. It is a very good strap for getting someones attention and in it's shorter version is also very easy to control. It can still get a spankee's attention, even late in a spanking. The longer version seen here can wrap if the spanker isn't being careful.

The prison strap is heavy enough for a very thuddy impact and strappy enough to sting at the same time. It is wonderfully powerful, both mentally and physically, when used by an accomplished spanker. Used by a novice it can be very painful and dangerous due to it's large size and weight.

One of my fondest strapping memories was at a Shadowlane Party being spanked with two prison straps, one by a left handed spanker and one by a right handed spanker. Talk about heaven! If you have two straps that are very similar and two spanker's that work well together I would recommend this to anyone who likes being spanked. It is painful by wonderfully uplifting and invigorating. It can also be done with two paddles or canes etc. I prefer the strap version however. I have also participated in doing this as a top and find it a rewarding experience to work in tandem with another spanker as well.

Traditional Implements (hairbrush)

The two most traditional implements are the hairbrush and the belt.

In the picture you see from the left an ebony hairbrush, a hairbrush we found at an antique store that I refinished, a NU West hairbrush, a bath brush from the Vermont Country store, and the one on the right is from Shadowlane.
Many people fear the hairbrush or any wood. I would say with good reason. This implement is very unforgiving against tender flesh. It stings and penetrates and can leave lasting marks in the form of deep bruising if used heavily. It is very easy to control, due to it being a stiff implement, there is very little chance of missing the mark or wrapping like you can with a strap. However due to it's unforgiving nature used to excess or by someone who doesn't know the limits of the bottom (spankee) it can cause damage both temporary (bruising) to more lasting or permanent if the spanker hit's the tail bone or pelvic bone.

Personally, I like this implement and ask to be spanked with it on a consistent basis. I also like to use the hairbrush, specially the Vermont country store bath brush, because of it's longer handle. The brush gets a spanker's attention even when they have become desensitized toward the end of a spanking. I like the very traditional feel and connotation that it brings to a spanking. Discipline at it's very core. It can be used over the knee or with the spanker bent over a bench, bed, or touching their toes ( if they are that limber, I most definitely am not ).

The ebony hairbrush is definitely one I would relegate to the, for looks department, unless you really are a masochist, it is very dense and hurts like %$#@#. I always forget how much the bath brush hurts, because I pick it again and again. The ebony one I haven't forgotten, kind of like having your bottom run over by elephants and stung by millions of bees at the same time.

The brush is not an implement for a novice or to use with someone who you have never spanked, unless they ask you specifically to use it. It is also not one to let someone who has never spanked you use, unless you are very sure of their ability and their knowledge of the implement.

The Broken Paddle

There is nothing quite like the thrill of having a paddle broken on your bottom. Well at the time of the breakage it isn't a thrill, it takes quite a painful impact to break one, but later....

I was being quite sassy and not behaving at all when the paddle came down with a thud and ...broke.....

The spanking didn't stop then, I had to go get something else. Such is the life of a sassy disobiedient bottom.

We kept the pieces and found a siutable board to mount it on and saved it for posterity. It makes me smile whenever I see it.

What makes a switch

A switch in the realm of spanking is a person who likes to be on both sides of the spanking.

The individual who is a switch both like to give and receive spankings. This varyies in degree based on the person and circumstance. For me it is fairly even, with a leaning to the receiving end. I enjoy the "lack of control" on the receiving end and the "control" on the giving end.

Just as there are many views on spankings, there are just as many on the act of switching.

Some people never switch. They are strictly tops ( spankers) or bottoms ( spankees ). There are both males and females of both types, although there are more female spankees and male tops.

Some people only switch with one gender or are only spanked by one gender. Some can't switch with someone they are spanked and for others they are not affected by this power exchange in the same way and can easily switch from one position to the other.

It all comes down to what makes you comfortable. If it isn't something you feel comfortable or safe with, don't do it. Follow your instincts and do what is right for you.